Design Days, designed for you



Let’s face it, website updates are never at the top of your to-do list. Even with the best intentions, there’s always something more urgent to be done.

And if by some miracle you do find some time for website work, you end up falling down a never-ending spiral of YouTube tutorials, guesswork and winging it – and still not ending up with a website you actually like or a finished to-do list.

That’s exactly why Design Days exist. They’re built around your needs, so you can ditch the DIY stress and delegate to your in-house designer (read: Website Fairy Godmother) for the day.

Hand over your to-do list, give me 7 hours, and then, as if by magic, end the day with a refreshed, rejuvenated website, without lifting a single finger.

Squarespace website support when you need it most


Squarespace Design Days

The short, simple injection of Squarespace design support your business needs to keep your website fresh, aligned with your purpose, and standing out from the crowd.

A laptop sits open on a small coffee table
    • We’ll have a chat first thing in the morning to confirm priorities. We’ll have spoken about this before, but this is our chance to finalise the plan of attack for your Design Day

    • Then, it’s over to me! 7 hours of website work awaits me, fuelled by plenty of chai tea

    • Last thing, we’ll wrap everything up with another call so I can show you what I did and walk you through anything that needs your attention – then it’s time for you to sit back and admire your ticked-off to-do list!

  • A Design Day is built entirely around what you need. Want to inject some personality into a DIY site? Or maybe you have a seemingly never-ending list of website updates to get through? A Design Day is perfect for you.

    Design Days can include:

    • adding new pages, services, retreats, workshops, blogs, content or portfolio pieces to your website

    • setting up third-party technology e.g. email marketing, Google Analytics, appointment schedulers etc.

    • updating your colour palette, photography or branding if you’ve recently worked with a brand designer or photographer

    • transferring from Squarespace 7.0 to Squarespace 7.1

    • injecting some fun into your website with features like FAQ blocks, scrolling text, contact forms, accordions and much more

    • re-styling select website pages or reformatting blog posts

    • completing essential SEO tasks

  • £650. Secured with a deposit and payable in up to two, interest-free instalments.

A Design Day is perfect for you if…

  • you’d like to add new services, retreats, workshops or content your website

  • you’ve got a few niggly tasks on your website to-do list that just never quite make it to the top

  • you know what you want your website to do, but want a helping hand to get all your systems running smoothly

  • you’ve invested in your branding or photography, but your website still has your old stuff on it

But it might not be quite right for you if…

  • you don’t have a website (yet!) – my Website Design service is best for you!

  • you’re not really happy with your website – I can redesign your website instead in as little as 5 days

  • your website isn’t built on Squarespace (that’s my speciality!)

  • you’ve only got one or two small things that need doing that definitely won’t make the most of borrowing my brain for 7 whole hours…

What your Design Day will look like

  • Planning is the secret to a successful Design Day, so we’ll meet on Zoom before your Design Day rolls around to discuss what you need me to do on your website. Come armed with a list of everything you’d love to get done, then we can talk about priorities and what’s achievable in 7 hours of borrowing my brain. I’ll also ask you to upload any assets (e.g. logos, photos, branding etc) I might need into a shared Google Drive before our Design Day.

    I’ll always be realistic about what I can achieve for you. If there’s too much to finish in a Day, I’ll let you know in advance, and never spring any nasty surprises on you at the end of your Design Day!

  • To ensure we’re aligned with our objectives, we’ll have a quick call on the morning of your Design Day to kick things off. This is just to double-check we’re both still happy with the plan of attack – then it’s over to me!

  • Your Design Day is your chance to get on with whatever else you need to do (or take a day off, the choice is yours!) while I crack on with website work.

    If any questions come up during the day (hopefully there won’t be, as we’ll have everything planned out in advance), I’ll let you know - but besides being available for any little questions, the day is yours to make the most of.

  • At the end of your Design Day, we’ll meet again for a quick wrap-up chat. I’ll walk you through everything I’ve done, show you the website changes I’ve made, and answer any questions you have. Then, we’re all done!

  • Once the Day’s wrapped up, I won’t leave you stranded. You’ll have access to me for 7 days of post-Design-Day support via Slack, where I can answer any questions you might have while you get familiar with the work I completed for you.

Carly (the founder of Moon and Saturn) wears a white T-shirt with a sun and palm tree graphic

Hi! I’m Carly

I’m the mouse-wielding designer who can turn your to-do list from the most stressful thing in your life to done-and-dusted, in 7 hours flat.

I’m a Squarespace web designer with a love for all things health, wellness and slow-living. 

After a few years of not enjoying the corporate world, I’ve brought Moon & Saturn to life by pairing my skills in websites and design, with my never-ending obsession with all things health and wellness.

Now, I spend my days helping wonderful business owners (like you) create websites that reflect who you are, what you do, and what makes you the perfect fit for your dream clients.

Need more details?

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Not a problem! In our initial call, I’ll be completely transparent about how much I can achieve in a single day and, realistically, how many days your entire to-do list will take. If there’s more than a day of work there, it’s up to you whether you use one Design Day to tick off the top priorities or book a series of Design Days to work through everything.

    Remember though: if your website needs a lot of work to get it up to where you want it, you can always consider a brand new website instead! My 2-Week Website package might be better suited to you if this is the case.

  • Not necessarily! The aim is to have everything planned before the Day kicks off. We’ll organise your to-do list, I’ll ask any questions I need answers to, and you’ll upload any assets I need before the Day.

    However, there might be some questions that come up during my work. It would be great if you were available to answer a quick Slack message throughout the day to make sure I can get the most done for you, but you don’t need to be tied to your computer for 7 straight hours!

  • That’s up to you! Design Days are built around you, so what I actually do during the day will depend largely on what you need me to do. We’ll decide objectives ahead of the day, then I’ll spend your Design Day doing what needs to be done to meet those objectives.

    Whatever your goals are, you can rest assured that I’ll spend all 7 hours completely focused on your website, with no other calls or meetings or interruptions distracting me.

  • Yes! I work solely with Squarespace, so if your website is built on another platform my Design Days are not for you.

    If you’d love for your website to be transferred to Squarespace, have a nosy at my Two-Week Website!

  • Payment for your Design Day is due before the day we work together. You can either pay in full, or pay 50% at the time of booking and the remaining 50% before the Design Day - it’s up to you!

    If you’re booking a series of Design Days, we can talk about a payment plan that suits you.